Monthly Archives: February 2012

3 weeks

Remember a few weeks ago when I promised to be better? Neither do I.

I finished these scarves…



I modified a delicious shrimp fried rice recipe from Jenna’s blog…

Did you know you could burn things in a crock pot? When barbeque chicken says 5-6 hours they do NOT mean 8-9. Even on low.

This has been my new “go to” cookie recipe for it’s simplicity and spiced goodness.

And we FINALLY went to Clear Flour bakery this morning (instead of just getting their bread from the Brookline Farmer’s Market in the summer) and I inhaled my gruyere croissant so there’s no picture, but look at this petite batard of sourdough.

And then look what I DID TO IT

I’ve realized that as far as the cooking goes, this has just become an extension of Jenna’s blog and Real Simple’s website. I’m sort of assuming that my reader base is going to start going directly to the source. If you’re not, I will continue to share my experiences with the recipes that I try!

Aside from cooking, anyone want to hear the story of the little hamstring that could? I do too. Here’s to hoping that 4 months of running through the pain didn’t do any irreversible damage. Physical therapy starts Tuesday, I will report back.

My husband is leaving me in 2 weeks for a clinical rotation in Youngstown, Ohio that lasts 3 months, after which he will come back and graduate. That leaves me in charge of keeping this needy little ball of energy alive.

I’m trying to approach it as a learning experience. My brain is saying things like “you’ll want to work more and progress on your thesis project”, “you get to watch whatever you want on tv!”, “you can eat all the tofu you want”, but the overwhelming feeling is loss. He has been my PIC for 7 years this week and this is not going to be fun or easy. Fortunately I will have quite a few visitors (mom, Lori, hopefully sisters) and be moving my way through what’s not looking like a super fun rehab project on this leg. I plan on continuing to knit up a storm for whoever will wear it and learning how to make artisan bread with Peter Reinhart’s book and my new baking stone.

If anyone has any book suggestions I would love to hear them! My Kindle is feeling quite neglected. And my brain is exploding with diabetes research.